How to lose weight in a week

It doesn't look slimming modern human driven questions. Thanks for the interest, own health, nutrition and lifestyle, both Labor professional dieticians, nutritionists, foods and food components that reads and coaches quite understand, protect, requires that the most appropriate form for her, correct, proper approach. Durable small a calorie deficit, regular exercise, getting the state that is responsible for the body lose weight easily and get back, not to his influence, "Yo-Yo". If you need to weight the "opportunity" and quickly – for example, Invitation, celebration and immediately get rid of excess weight to look good to a week of evening dress?


The "magic recipe", there is a simple reset of the kilogram. This way, quickly, "go away from the body giving the water a bad effect reduce the accumulation of fluid under the skin layer of clothing, body weight and movement of one, and sometimes two small size clothing. One day, this is unlikely (although visually the abdomen to remove the real), where a week is enough. Even in the home environment that you will be able to stick to a diet, exercises are simple to perform and dump, 5 kg weight.

To lose weight before, Week worth remembering basic conditions

  • note weight don't believe in tomorrow, if you are healthy, if you have a chronic illness sharpened, "zavala" business – additional, reduce stress, diet efficiency;
  • requires strict dietary restrictions to enter and exit in a seamless manner by changing calorie menu a few days;
  • provides a sharp distortion, you need to stop the diet;
  • then, how it happened, lose weight, gain weight, tobacco, eating habits and increasingly accurate and healthy meals review – then you "fail".

7 days to lose weight, how we look, not without hurting yourself and without an effective result.

Proper nutrition


Such as slimming, a week, a good mood and keep healthy? The answer to the question is the right choice to make your own food and attention. Menu with memorable food, but optimum calorie foods, easy to lose weight a more strict diet, feeling hungry mood will be good and not to Bother You. If you prefer. the complexes Insert menu food restrictions vitamins and minerals.

For effective slimming, it has to be fast food, more fruits and vegetables, a low glycemic index, raw, boiled, baked. Drop necessarily on the menu, at least 40% protein, fat, tomorrow, believe, and APR mass not excess water. Appropriate reset the weight fast, turkey, lean fish, skinless chicken, rabbit, eggs, seafood, and vegetable protein.

Instead, simple carbohydrates (sugar, white flour products), eat, and complex. This whole wheat bread, processed cereals, pasta, durum wheat. Carbohydrates release the first half of the day better, but they are not giving up entirely of fat the body function properly. Except for quick weight loss menu:

  • fast food restaurant: food, food value, and "normal" fasting days and more;
  • "factory" which a large amount of fat and sugar desserts, plus sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • sugary fizzy drinks – fruit juices-limit and the packet preferably, a lot of them calories;
  • alcohol – calorie and that retains water in the body.

A weight you need to drink plenty of water – at least 1.5 liters a day. This will reduce hunger during a diet, it will help to avoid dehydration that accompany headaches, fatigue, irritability. Power cannot completely exclude the oil – for them to work properly, the brain, immune system and internal organs. Reduce their number to 20% of total calories from plant sources and less from the Preferences menu data – olive oil, avocado, nuts, etc.



True to to create a diet regime to stick with fractional policy to eat at least five times a day but in small portions no more than 200 g for a time. Although it is not open at that time, the total amount of food is reduced. You can reset it for about a week not even limiting themselves to 3 more kg on your favorite products. You don't have to constantly Ayşe yourself not to eat harmful and terrible diet.

At the time of the experiment to reduce the number slimming anything – hiking food, with plenty of family holidays. You "the installation time for a week" holiday, which accounts for overeaten, reduce the amount you eat for the next day of activities. Deviation is compensated quickly calorie menu.

Easy to lose weight, stick, DC power mode, the deviation from him more than half an hour. The body will quickly get used to the routine and the full discomfort. Last meal should not be more then 2-3 hours sleep a day.

diet and sports

Exercise, fitness, visit the gym, set menu, meal frequency and time in the course:

  • temperature-Fat Carb Protein Calories when on a diet, correct protein shift value;
  • complex carbohydrates release "window" 40-120 minutes after physical load;
  • in general, the first half of the day of the fall bulk food.


Don't believe in tomorrow for the weight quickly add physical load. Losing weight is a huge lack of calories, you have to be careful, power exercises. The most appropriate home-made lessons, cardio, dance, jogging in the morning, etc., and the weight will go faster easily. You need every day, leave for at least half an hour of study in an intensive way. The right to exercise, to devote most of the time "problematic" regions – wife-to-hip ratio and upper leg.

Exercise for abdominal and hip

Designed for an effective workout for your wife, the straight and oblique muscles tension, twisting, stretching, body, foot angle and the vertical position from lying on the floor. For weight loss a useful education and chair. Gotta sit down, to rest the hands, seat and legs lifting, lifting them into place. Compared with the approaches by small breaks that need work 15-25 times, at least 20 minutes.

For weight loss hip, we will endeavor. Problematic in many areas, "Challenger" shuttle, which education very slowly – "pistol", plié, sumo and weight without them. Thigh weight loss to internal audit to perform intensive exercise, for example, mahi kick, "shaking" Nov.

disciplinary power

Exercise for the legs

As it is, buttocks, useful for weight loss a variety of squats. Desire to achieve them folded with a dumbbell in your hand while doing the exercises (1 to 1.5 liters with bottled water instead of them). Faster it doesn't help to say, some Mahi weight, kick, knee, rises, chest, lunges, etc and so their value as additional strap – weight and sturdy back and arm.

Weekly menu

To lose weight before, consider the menu per week. Various diet programs may also be mono mode, in which a single product every day that is given a priority. Typically, such a diet begins Monday, it would be easier for agree, but the graphics move as appropriate. Here's an example plan for seven days:

  • all kinds of vegetables that are allowed on the first day, it fried. Drinking water with ginger, lemon (slimming useful for them), unsweetened teas, milk, vegetables, meat juices;
  • et on the second day. Let's rabbit, chicken, veal (boiled or cooked, boiled). Import 200-300 pounds divided three meat without digestive disorders, abundant water, herbal teas, broths;
  • on the third day carbs. A diet that is open, fresh and cooked vegetables, fruit, greens, low-fat yogurt additives and flavorings. Drinking tea, coffee;
  • on the fourth day is allowed, it's just soup, but it's different. Prepare soup, vegetable puree, beet soup, pickles, or another favorite is the first. Alternative different soups;
  • a fish that is allowed on the fifth day. It shouldn't, salty, fried, dried. Easier to move to a diet, fish, you can add some fresh or boiled vegetables. The effects of someone drinking water kefir a percent;
  • allow yourself pastries on the sixth day – that will break the diet. However, to lose weight, just some bread and a muffin will be less.
  • with a menu including ginger and other seasonings and some vegetables boiled potatoes only last day.

Weight fast exercise for every day in ruins. A week later, self-restraint you will be able to lose weight significantly, but you will need a diet seamlessly, why digestive problems.


Urgently to lose weight per week, you won't be able to avoid in any way no food restrictions. Here are a few options available diets you fast and effective results you will achieve. However, the menu is limited to fixed, lose weight, pregnant women and people health problems.

Buckwheat diet

Rich diet, trace elements, nutritious grain no harm to the health and help Weight Quickly more than a week. To the end "marathon", you can reset up to 7 kg, without feeling a strong hunger – wheat, low-calorie, but satisfying. To diversify the mono-Insert-menu, low-fat yogurt, some dried fruit (prunes best).

Kefir diet

Many of those never met with kefir how to lose weight in a week diet. Only 500 ml milk throughout the day and quickly see a product unnecessary reset on the scales "minus" a few kg. right, slimming, this, yogurt, wine, such as small – every day week a different product:

  • four boiled potatoes – this diet has to cook for them with the shell you need;
  • 400 grams of cheese;
  • 500 grams of fruit;
  • boiled chicken breast – the amount of attenuation are selected in terms of body weight of protein;
  • baked or boiled vegetables, 400 gr.

This weight one day this week, remains "low". Let's just yogurt and water, 1,5-2 l 7-10 kg and this much weight quickly, but it's hard to withstand these limits.

Apple diet

All you need to lose weight fruit, fresh or cooked sugar, and mashed potatoes. Are allowed in the diet, and freshly squeezed apple juice. However, the fruit as it is "had", this option is slimming, not suitable with human diseases, stomach and digestive system should be able to withstand at most a week.


Operational other diet for slimming:

Liquid. Urgently enough "hard" slimming, which are allowed, just yogurt 2.5%, fruit and vegetables, pasta, meat juices, etc. For the week, to lose weight and dramatically reduce the weight of the body, but the body's strong stress.

Cottage cheese or milk. Should be low in fatty foods. 4-7 days is enough to lose weight.

Vegetable market. A weight of 5 kg and more. To allow for this, add vegetables, low-fat dairy products, fruit smoothies, strawberry.

To think, how to lose weight Week lose weight in a fast and simple way for those who want to use the program. Delicious and nutrient rich food is the result of specially designed weight loss diet you buy you with no time to eat properly and eat. Fast and simple Program for those who want to weight contains high protein and fiber, and quickly hand on the coveted cascading scales.