Buckwheat diet. Easy weight

Buckwheat diet – a popular diet to get rid of overweight with the purpose of the mono power option: in essence the use of a main crop is wheat. A diet plan high yield – 10-15 days 5-7 kg weight gain without experiencing the hunger pangs constant hunger extra you can reset this coveted.


Excellent composition of buckwheat

It is not a coincidence as the main products selected for mono buckwheat. The main task the goal of losing weight with any diet – limit the amount of food consumed, but more people to keep the necessary ingredients in your daily diet. Hate anyone because I don't want to get rid of fat Health price. The biological composition of wheat from this point is very valuable. Dry 100 grams of buckwheat contains:

  • iron – 37%,
  • cobalt – 31%,
  • manganese – 78%,
  • copper – 64% more
  • molybdenum – 49%,
  • selenium – 15%,
  • Chrome – 8%,
  • protein 12 – 12.6 oil 2 – in 3,5 and carbohydrates 57 – 62 ;
  • dietary fiber is a vegetable fiber in 11-12;

vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your daily dose of required person:

  • B1 – 28%,
  • B2 – 11%,
  • B6 – 20%,
  • S – 36%,
  • K – 15%,
  • Silicon – 270%,
  • magnesium – 50%,
  • phosphorus – 37%,
  • zinc – 17%.

Wheat helps get rid of the body of excess fluid (edema) and toxins, nor promotes weight loss.

Utility and efficiency of buckwheat diet

Yield of buckwheat diet. Buckwheat diet is a dream that will help you get in shape

A significant decrease in performance due to the buckwheat diet, the total calories in your daily diet, the guy begins to lose excess weight and what it takes. Energy, software way a person spends the life of the organism, filled them at the expense of eating. To calculate costs and revenues Dietetics accept the concept of screen zoom magnification energy (kcal). If a person consumes more calories in one day imported food, the body's own fat reserves for nutrition to compensate for the lack of mandatory. The amount of calories spent on the man separately (depending on age, gender, physical activity). Normally, less calorie consumption for an adult human per day, at least 1500 – 1800. Buckwheat mono diet consume to lose weight day assumes up to 1000 – 1300 calories. Thus, a person starts to get rid of excess fat quickly. What is buckwheat buckwheat yield than the diet fills you up, though low-calorie (100 g dry wheat the concept of only 308 – 335 kcal). Eating meals, wheat, deal in a successful way to lose weight that does not feel hunger for a long time, dietary restrictions.

wheat, milk

Principles wheat mono

Diet success, it is important comply with the rules, edit it and execute it.

Sit a few days, buckwheat diet

Mono the maximum time without sacrificing health – 14-15 days. Task if if a weight loss is not completely resolved, you should continue your diet, but already by staying connected, though low-calorie but rich composition of food in your daily diet.

The number and meals

Eat often, but small portions. To prevent hunger, uncontrollable seizures (and possible failure), the future of food one day in advance to prepare all necessary. 4-5-6 then consumed the entire volume is divided servings, spaced throughout the day and a few hours. Policy provides the Fractional Power, not the stomach can not be empty, thoroughly digest and eat. The last meal before you plan a couple of hours sleep a night (for example, after 6-7 hours), but this rule is very important. Most importantly, it allowed me to zoom in on the amount of calories.

Buckwheat diet food

You will need unsalted buckwheat buckwheat diet for 2-3 days start time water only for food product. For the clothes other then diet low-calorie foods (small amounts):

  • nonfat yogurt (low fat%);
  • boiled chicken breast, skinless;
  • "skinny" types of fish (e.g., walleye pollock, halibut, cod, Pike, hyuk);
  • vegetables;
  • Greens;
  • sugar-free, fruit, berries (or dried fruit as contribute several pieces of Nov).

buckwheat diet

Completely eliminate one's diet, desserts, pastries, fatty and high-calorie foods. Special diet menus butter – boiled, baked in the oven or over a double boiler tantalized. This uses the refuel vegetable salad, yogurt or lemon juice. Add to desserts, coffee or tea, use instead of sugar with zero calories.

How many days

To have an opinion, wheat diet, an unlimited amount of food, but of course, this is not true. Body's nothing magical slimming properties and wheat due to reduction of total calories daily diet and we must not forget about it. The amount of calories consumed should not exceed a total of 1100-1300 kcal / day. Further below this figure, the faster you will go, and weight loss. Therefore, the first "definitely Buckwheat" Porridge Day to prepare 300 – 400 grams of dry grains. Later, about 200 to 300 grams of dry grains of wheat for a day's use volume (point 670 – 1000 kcal), other food grades:

  • bird or fish – 100 grams (about 120 – 150 kcal);
  • yogurt – 500 grams (approximately 200 kcal);
  • vegetables (recommended with calories 30 kcal / 100 g product – cabbage, carrot, beet) – 300 – 500 g (100 – 150 kcal).

Allowed valid for products that are combining the calories to achieve the effect, it will be easy to lose weight. It is important to remember: the main product-leading the entire period of Remain diet, low-calorie but nutritious wheat.

Water and salt

Clean, simple (not carbonated) water as necessary as the life of a healthy organism. The volume required him to drink 1.5 to 2.5 liters / day (most rough calculation – 30 ml / kg body weight). Disclaimer salt helps the body to get rid of excess fluid (salt to absorb moisture). If it is not strong enough to completely give up salt, is necessary to reduce at least 2-3 times the amount which, compared with customary power.

How to find the right food wheat

the benefits of buckwheat

Buckwheat all the useful features to keep him for the night, soaked in water or yoghurt. Buckwheat all the useful features to keep him for the night, soaked in water or yoghurt. Buckwheat for dinner, wash it, cut it off and pour boiling water or yogurt (one cup semolina – 3 cups) of liquid. You must do this night and morning grits completely ready for use. This method registers the maximum grain cooking food. But unsalted buckwheat porridge, water-borne in a traditional way, are allowed too. Grits, the outfit, not just salt. Eliminate, sugar, spices, butter. Just water (option – kefir) and semolina.

A daily diet buckwheat diet

Menu options one day you can be yourself. This can be a sample diet plan:

  1. Breakfast first. With the addition of buckwheat yogurt on a piece of fruit or berries.
  2. Second breakfast. Vegetable salad with yogurt or lemon juice.
  3. Lunch is always the answer. As an option, with vegetables boiled wheat salad, greens, chicken, or fish.
  4. For afternoon tea. Fruits (e.g. apples, pears) or a handful of strawberries.
  5. Always in the evening, the answer in the service center are tracked. Wheat, vegetables and herbs.

Just to take a day off (the amount of servings can be changed, standalone):

  • of yogurt 1% – 200 ml (80 kcal);
  • dry wheat – 250 g (835 kcal);
  • chicken or fish – 100-130 grams (150 kcal);
  • apple (pear) – 200 g (110 kcal);
  • fresh vegetables, greens – 300 g – 100 kcal.

The point of the value of the total energy 1275 kcal a day like this.

If this does not work if continuous buckwheat food

If not possible, to withstand for a long time, buckwheat diet, diet in favor of other products that may change. For example, instead of chapter it's not brown buckwheat, milled rice, cook her salt-free water. Buckwheat diet diet change in the same way, a ruthless amount of grits, but a growing proportion of low-calorie vegetables, greens or low fat dairy products.

The output rules diet

Gradually the diet is not required for output, the damage the gastrointestinal tract to save the results. After 7-8 days so buckwheat diet is important:

  1. Follow the rules, healthy eating, dining accepting the principle of fractional mode, limited use salt. Avoid oily and sugary foods, prioritize cooking boiled, steamed or baked, it is steamed.
  2. Other doping to diversify the diet, less vegetable soups (for example, beet soup and cabbage soup), small amounts of food by adding vegetable oil or butter.


To return then to a large extent food restrictions, it is still unhealthy lifestyle nutrition, lots of sugar and fat food, the fat will come back quickly after he retired and "place", and stomach areas.


Contraindicated buckwheat diet diseases languages:

  • allergic reactions are wheat, semolina;
  • dysfunction (chronic), gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, ulcers);
  • liver disease;
  • diseases veins, varicose veins, is not it.

The power of constraints is not given during pregnancy, feeding, baby feeding. If you have chronic health problems, a meeting about possibilities buckwheat dietary, ask a medical expert.

Video: How To Lose Weight With Buckwheat diet help

Absence, contraindications, buckwheat diet – an excellent and easy way to get rid of extra pounds, cleanse body detox, energy and vitality. Thanks to the miraculous properties of wheat thin-like Star, Russian singer Valeria and the old: the perfect figure for artists including diet advice more often to protect the "buckwheat" of the day, common mode power supply.